Saturday, February 16, 2008

Litchfield, Connecticut

Snow, IV & V

Litchfield, Connecticut


Ernest Theisen said...

I love these snow images. Almost monochromatic. I think you should print them as a series. E

Scott Kirkpatrick said...

Actually I would love to see both 6073 and 6134 (I can't tell which Roman numberals go with which picture) as black and white long-scale prints, to see what the slight addition of color gives (or takes away).


Carl Weese said...


Funny you should mention that...

I just got in from an exciting (read "treacherous" walk around the Hidden Valley loop at Steep Rock. The temperature suddenly soared into the fifties after heavy rains so the snow and ice are melting fast, floating masses of fog everywhere, and the river is raging. My first thought as I found things to shoot was that I finally had a subject where I was really going to want to make b&w conversion work. I knew the muddy, turbulent water will look all wrong in color. So I took a quick look at the two pictures you point to, converting them ACR, and my first impression is that monochrome improves them. I think some of the less complex shots in the snow series, with broad plains of smooth tone, do benefit from color, but this is an interesting thing to look into.