Friday, February 27, 2009

Two Walls

Waterbury, Connecticut

Waterville, Connecticut


Anonymous said...

Carl, considering my previous post, what would the wall and street have worked without the two vertical (meter and old street sign pole) lines in it? I could certainly see it without them, but the tension they add is very compelling.

Carl Weese said...


The patterns on the wall and street wouldn't have been enough to make a picture for me. It was the interaction of the meter and pole with the complex wall texture that got my attention to begin with. There are also intrusions at the left and right edges, and they are needed too. I also shot from a step closer with "clean" edges and it doesn't work as well.

robert said...

The second one has a ghostly double exposure essence with a faded image almost visible on the wall.

Carl Weese said...

Robert, the factory building has been empty for a long time. It has been tagged and painted over so many times it's hard to tell whether some of the shapes are intentional or accidental.