Thursday, June 09, 2011

Uncle Sam

Pittsfield, Massachusetts

Memorial Day.


Dennis Allshouse said...


Carl Weese said...

Right. I'm kicking myself for not stopping what I was doing and interviewing the guy. Though of course formal ceremonies were going on and that could have been awkward, or even rude.

I'd guess he's been doing this parade thing forever, and has grown into the part. The beard is real, I'd figure he's about 70. He's quite tall--I'd guess a couple inches over me and I'm 6'4", very thin, or as the original Uncle Sam promotional descriptions had it "raw boned." And he moves well as he marches, responds to the crowd when they pay attention to him: just an amazing overall performance. But I didn't like any of my pictures of him marching in the parade. This is the one that works.